Roshie Xing is the recipient of the NA Foundation’s 2019 Frank J. Farina Jr. Award for Musical Excellence at North Allegheny Senior High School.
Although she has played the piano since age 5, it was only by chance that Roshie Xing took up the flute. The summer before fifth grade, her flute-playing cousin handed Roshie her old, battered instrument and, after hours of futilely blowing with nothing to show for it but a headache, she finally made a sound and was transfixed. Since those fateful days, Roshie has attended various PMEA festivals, played flute in the NASH spring musical pit orchestra, and been a member of the Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestra for 3 years. She was also the concerto competition winner and featured soloist for TRYPO’s spring 2019 concert. Outside of the concert hall, Roshie can be found negotiating nuclear disarmament as the captain of her school’s Model UN team, frantically typing her next piece as a politics/current events columnist for her school’s student newspaper, scribbling down poetry verses, lobbying for legislation as a student ambassador for the NGO Save the Children, or just curled up with a good book. She intends to study mathematical economics at the University of Pennsylvania.